Hybrid Remote Work is Going Strong, but the Wave is Not Universal

Companies around the world has embraced remote work. Some of them went completely remote, but mostly companies are trying to combine offices with work from home, as that approach proved to be very effective.

For example, Asda has declared that hybrid working has become permanent at company’s headquarters, since COVID-19 limitations were lifted. Employees at Asda House in Leeds and George House in Leicester may pick where they work, according to the company’s statement. Employees at Asda, on the other hand, “have the freedom to work from home when it is more productive, such as jobs that need planning or research,” according to the company.

Asda’s strategy is similar to that of Nationwide, which will allow its 13,000 office staff to “work anywhere.” Three Nationwide offices in Swindon are shutting, and 3,000 employees who work there may either relocate to the nearby headquarters, work from home, or do a combination of the two.

Mark Dixon, CEO of IWG, has stated that his organization was working with businesses to “offer hybrid working options”. He said that it makes no sense for everyone work from the same office in the digital world. Dixon also added that employees have figured out that they can work from anywhere, and they want to go office sometimes, but not all of the time.

However, not all businesses intend to use a hybrid strategy. For example, Goldman Sachs International has stated that whenever the limitations are lifted, it wants workers to return to the workplace. Other example – representatives of banking giant Citigroup said that the company works better when workers are together. Employees will work from offices three days a week and two days a week elsewhere, according to the firm’s plans.